By means of this regulation, all issues of the work of the Student Union (in the text only US) of the college Alma Mater Europaea Campus Resonanca are determined.
- The Student Union is an independent student organization, which is dedicated to educational issues, the interests of students and their well-being.
- The Student Union is known as the Student Union of KSHM Rezonanca
- The Student Union represents students inside and outside Rezonanca college. Represents students and organizes events and activities of interest to students, which are related to development opportunities for them.
- The Student Union constantly seeks to have diversity and equality of members without gender, religious, political, social and sexual orientation differences.
- The Student Union will work to protect and increase the students’ right to free speech and the protection of their rights.
2.1. The composition of the student union
The Student Union consists of representatives of all generations of all study programs of the college and the presidency.
- US representatives, elected by majority vote from students of each generation.
- The President of the Student Union, elected by student representatives by voting (open, closed).
- A vice president elected by student representatives through voting (open, closed).
2.2. Composition of the Program Council
- Three students for three years of studies from the direction of Physiotherapy
- Three students for three years of studies in Nursing
- Three students for three years of studies from the direction of Biochemistry
- Three students for three years of studies from the direction of Radiology
- Three students for three years of studies from the direction of Mami
- Five students for five years of studies from the direction of Dentistry
- Five students for five years of studies in Pharmacy (bachelor+master)
2.3. The mandate of the Members and the US presidency
- Student representatives have a mandate of one (1) year with the possibility of extension up to three (3) or five (5) years depending on the study program;
- The president of the US has a two (2) year mandate without the possibility of re-election.
- The candidate for president must be in the penultimate year of studies to be elected president;
- The vice president of the US has a mandate of one (1) year without the possibility of re-election.
- The candidate for the vice president must be in the last year of studies to be elected to the above-mentioned position.
2.4. Student union committees
The members of the committees of the Student Union are chosen by the presidency and the representatives of the union, the members of the committees can be the US representatives or other students from the college who are not engaged in the Student Union.
3.1. Role of the Student Union
- Student representation
- Coordination of student activities inside and outside the college
- Connecting bridge between the students and the executive staff of the College
3.2. College Assignments
- To adhere to the points of this regulation
- Secure in the U.S. to act in a fair and democratic way
- To cooperate with the student union
- To provide a hall where the meetings of the Student Union will be held
3.3. Duties of the Student Union
- To comply with certain points of this regulation;
- To engage in worthy representation of students;
- To cooperate with other organizations outside the College and to create partnerships;
- To hold meetings at least once a month to once a week;
- To hold a meeting at least once a month with representatives of the board of Resonanca College.
- The presidency has the right to remove from the Student Union any member who has 3 unexcused absences from the Union meeting.
- The presidency and the representatives have the right to remove from the student union any member at any time by a simple majority vote for reasons of not fulfilling the duties and obligations in an adequate manner towards the representation of the students, with the approval of the students whom the representative represents, then he is elected the new representative with a simple majority vote from the students.
- The chairmanship and the representatives have the right to dismiss the chairman/deputy chairman from the position at any time by an absolute majority vote for reasons of non-fulfillment of the duties and obligations provided for in this regulation.
- The dismissed president/deputy president can continue to be a member of the union as a representative if the students agree to be represented by the student in question.
4.1. Election and dismissal of the president and vice president of the US
The president of the US must be elected by absolute majority of the total number of US members. Candidate proposals must be made during the meeting chaired by the oldest member of the US and must be voted on as provided in the regulations.
If none of the candidates wins the absolute majority of votes in the first round of voting, then a second round of voting is organized for the candidate with the largest number of votes. If the candidate does not receive the majority of votes even in the second round of voting, then the voting is done based on the votes of one representative per study program.
The President can be removed from his position by the absolute majority of votes through a vote based on the total number of members of the US as mentioned above.
In case of resignation or dismissal of the chairman, the deputy chairman takes the temporary chairmanship and within 7 days calls the meeting for re-election of the chairman. The next chairman can also be elected as the deputy chairman, then a deputy is appointed. new chairman.
Instead, the president of the US is elected by the members of the US with a simple majority of votes. Candidate proposals are made simultaneously during the meeting and then voted in accordance with this regulation.
In case of equal votes, up to two (2) votes can be held between the two candidates. If results are not reached after two consecutive votes, study programs are voted on.
The vice-president can be dismissed from the position with an absolute majority of votes through a vote.
In case of the resignation or dismissal of the vice-chairman, the chairman calls a meeting for the re-election of the vice-chairman within seven (7) days.
4.2. The meetings
- The chairman convenes and presides over the meetings of the US
- If the chairman is unable to preside over the meeting, then the chairman is authorized to preside over the meeting.
- The President convenes US meetings as needed. During the study period, regular meetings must be held at least once a month.
- Extraordinary meetings can be held at any time, according to the previous procedures, but the agenda must be limited to one point only.
- Meetings may be open to the public unless otherwise decided in some cases.
- US members must be invited by the chairperson of the meeting at least one (1) day before the meeting.
- The chairman is obliged to call the meeting without delay, when requested by one third of the members of the US and if the written request has strong reasons.
4.3. Participation in meetings and substitution
- All US members have the right and are obliged to participate in the meeting.
- During meetings, members vote only in person.
- Voting delegation is not allowed.
- Members must sign the list of participants in the US meeting. The participation list is an integral part of the minutes of the meeting, which is prepared and distributed by the vice-chairman. The member may be absent for various reasons, for which the chairman must be notified in advance.
4.4. The beginning of the meeting and the approval of the agenda, the course of the meeting, requests
- The chairman opens, chairs, interrupts and closes the meeting.
- The agenda is prepared by the chairman and vice-chairman.
- The chairman is obliged to include written requests in the agenda, which must be submitted on time and which have a basis.
- At the beginning of the meeting, the chairman confirms the participating members
- The chairman gives the floor to the members for discussion, ensures the conclusion of the discussion on a multitude of topics, puts the issues to the vote, confirms the approval or rejection of the proposals, takes the appropriate measures to ensure that the meeting has progress, declares the meeting closed.
- US members have the right to propose changes or add points for discussion
- Materials or requests can be approved with an absolute majority of votes.
- After the approval of the agenda, discussions continue on issues within the framework of the agenda.
- All US members present can participate in the discussion
- The chairman gives the floor to each member in turn and no one can discuss without being given the floor by the chairman.
- The member who takes the floor is obliged to stick to the topic discussed. Any member who considers that he has been interrupted during the discussion, with the approval of the President, has the right to take the floor again. The reply for the same issues is allowed only twice.
- The chairman has the right to interrupt the meeting for more than 30 minutes with the consent of the participating members of the US.
- The chairman is obliged to interrupt the meeting if he/she considers himself/herself unable to continue the meeting, or authorizes the chairman instead to continue the meeting.
- Each member has the right to submit requests for current topics
- The chairman has the right to request that the request be made in writing
- Requests for procedural rules must be briefly justified. According to the request with “for” or “against”.
- The President and all members of the US are obliged to adhere to and respect the provisions of this regulation.
- For violating the order in the meeting, the following measures may be imposed:
- Warning
- Getting the word out
- Exemption from collection
- The warning can be issued to the absent member if he/she with his/her behavior and manner of discussion complicates or creates obstructions in the normal proceedings of the meeting.
- Taking the floor is pronounced to the person who, through his behavior and speech, obstructs the normal proceedings of the meeting only because he has been given a warning.
- The warning is given by the chairman or deputy chairman
- Taking the floor is given by the chairman or deputy chairman
- The member is excluded from the meeting if he/she continues to obstruct the meeting even after the right to speak has been taken away.
- US with a simple majority of votes can exclude the member from the meeting.
- A member who is expelled from the meeting three (3) times is automatically expelled from US membership.
4.5. Minutes of the meeting
- Minutes must be kept for each US meeting. It must be signed by the chairman and the record holder (who is appointed by the chairman)
- The minutes must contain the place, date, start and end time of the meeting, agenda, list of participants, all related requests and decisions, general description of the discussion.
- The minutes must be archived together with all the materials according to the order and order of the day and saved as long-term documentation.
4.6. Final provisions
- The provisions of this regulation apply to all US members as well as other students or third parties included in this regulation.
- The president is obliged to implement this regulation
- Changes and additions to this regulation are made in the same simple procedure as that of its approval.
List of representatives of 2021