The following faculties are part of the College:
1.1. The Faculty od Dentistry;
1.2. The Faculty of Pharmacy;
1.3. The Faculty of Technical Medical Science
The Faculty of Technical Medical Science
The Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences is an academic unit of the College committed to teaching and applied scientific research in the relevant academic disciplines.
Academic teaching focuses on practice-oriented study programs, following the concept of European Institutions of Applied Medical Sciences.
The Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences focuses its educational and research profile on the needs of the country, on the retraining and lifelong learning of professionals, as well as providing practical services to local partners.
The Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences offers the following types of studies:
Studimet themelore – bachelor:
The BSc Nursing program is modeled on qualification objectives. The BSc Nursing program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical and practical aspects and the development of students’ personalities in the fields of specialization.
The BSC Nursing program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Committee for the Medical Professions. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the BSc Nursing program are:
· understand the key concepts of disciplines that support the education and training of all health care professionals, as well as detailed knowledge of some of them.
· understand the structure and function of the human body, along with a knowledge of dysfunction and pathologies;
· understand the philosophy of health and social care, regulations, and understand their adherence to ethics and evidence-based practice;
· understand the importance of the social and psychological sciences of health and health care;
· the role of health care practitioners in health promotion and health education;
· legislation and statutory professional code of conduct affecting health and social care practice.
· have the ability to gather and evaluate evidence and information from a wide range of sources;
· ability to use methods to collect and interpret data in order to provide information that will inform or realize practical benefit.
· Problem solving
· logical and systematic thinking;
· ability to draw reasoned conclusions and consistent judgments.
· effective skills in communicating information, advice, teaching, and professional thinking for colleagues, patients, clients, their relatives, and caregivers and, where necessary, to peer groups or clients.
· Ability to understand, orally manipulate and present numerical data.
· ability to engage with technology, particularly effective and efficient use of information and communication technology.
· Accept commitments to support the standards required by dentistry, respect for patients and maintaining the patient privacy (confidentiality);
· Practice personal honesty and fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities in the context of providing care to individuals, groups of the population and the population as a whole;
Maintain habits of reflective practice, self-directed learning, and continuing professional education, along with a willingness to accept their limitations and seek help when they need it.
The BSc Physiotherapy program is modeled on qualification objectives. The BSc Physiotherapy program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.
The BSC Physiotherapy program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. One academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC and Directive 2013/55 / EU of the European Committee for the Medical Professions. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to NQF / EQF .The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the BSc Physiotherapy program are:
The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in the fields of specialization.
The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The subject curricula offered in the BSc Diagnostic Radiology study program offer satisfactory level according to the profile and field of the program. Course titles are similar to the international programs of this discipline.
One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours, including self-directed teaching hours. An ECTS corresponds to 30 hours of student workload, including self-directed learning. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to the NQF / EQF. The program is in line with Directive 2013/55 / EC and Directive 2005/36 / EC, of the European Union (EU), on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The program is structured in a series of courses with different credits, some obligatory while others elective.
In general, the program consists of:
Basic courses, courses related to Diagnostic Radiology and basic courses for communication skills are all obligatory courses.
Elective courses are of three types:
The study program is full-time, lasting 3 academic years, each with two semesters, a total of 6 semesters. Each semester has a normal duration of 15 weeks. In each semester are treated the courses which are evaluated with credits according to the European system (ECTS). The number of courses in each academic semester is 6-8 courses. According to semesters: in semester 1, 2 and 3 there are 7 courses, in semester 4 there are 8 courses, in semester 5 there are 6 courses, while in the last semester there are 3 courses. In the sixth semester students work on the graduation project, which they publicly defend. After completing the individual courses, the student passes the final comprehensive exam.
Upon completion of the program, a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Radiology diploma will be issued.
Learning Outcomes for the BSc Diagnostic Radiology program:
Upon completion of the program students must have:
Professional attitudes and values
The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical and practical aspects and the development of students’ personalities in areas of specialization.
The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The subject curricula offered in the BSc Biochemistry Laboratory study program offer satisfactory level according to the profile and field of the program. Course titles are similar to the international programs of this discipline.
One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours, including self-directed teaching hours. An ECTS corresponds to 30 hours of student workload, including self-directed learning. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to the NQF / EQF. The program is in line with Directive 2013/55 / EC and Directive 2005/36 / EC, of the European Union (EU), on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The program is structured in a series of courses with different credits, some obligatory while others optional.
In general, the program consists of:
Basic courses, courses related to laboratory biochemistry and basic communication skills are all mandatory.
Elective courses are of three types:
– discipline specific elective courses (DSEC- Discipline Specific Elective Courses),
– improve skills elective courses (SIEC-Improve Skills Elective Courses) and
– general elective courses (GEC- General Elective Courses).
The study program is full-time, lasting 3 academic years, each with two semesters, a total of 6 semesters. Each semester has a normal duration of 15 weeks. In each semester are treated the courses which are evaluated with credits according to the European system (ECTS). The number of courses in each academic semester is 5-7 courses. According to semesters: in the first semester there are 6 courses, in semesters 2,3 and 4 there are 7 courses, while in the last two semesters there are 5 courses. In the sixth semester they receive the graduation project, which they defend publicly. After completing the individual courses, the student passes the final comprehensive exam.
At the end of the program, a Bachelor of Science in Laboratory Biochemistry diploma is issued.
The learning outcomes for the BSc program in Laboratory Biochemistry are:
The BSc Midwifery program is modeled on qualification objectives. The BSc Midwifery program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.
The BSC Midwifery Program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Committee for Medical Professions. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the BSc Midwifery program are:
The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.
The program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC and Directive 2013/55 / EU of the European Committee for the Medical Professions. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the program are:
Scientific master’s studies:
The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.
The program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC and Directive 2013/55 / EU of the European Committee for the Medical Professions. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the second cycle of higher professional education, level 7 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the program are:
Basic Integrated Studies
Basic Integrated Studies (Doctor of Dentistry with 300 ECTS):
The Dentistry program is modeled on qualification objectives. The Dentistry program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in the fields of specialization.
The program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC and 2013/55 / EU of the European Committee for the Medical Professions. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the second cycle of higher professional education, level 7 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the Dentistry program are:
Professional attitudes and values
Fakulteti i Stomatologjisë është njësi akademike e Kolegjit i angazhuar për mësimdhënie dhe për kërkime të aplikuara shkencore në disiplinat akademike përkatëse.
Mësimdhënia akademike përqendrohet në programet e studimeve të orientuara në praktikë, duke ndjekur konceptin e Institucioneve të Shkencave Mjekësore të Aplikuara të Evropës.
Fakulteti i Stomatologjisë e përqendron profilin e vet arsimor dhe kërkimor për nevojat e vendit, në riaftësimin dhe për mësimin gjatë gjithë jetës të profesionistëve, si dhe ofron shërbime praktike për partnerët vendorë.
Fakulteti i Stomatologjisë ofron këto lloje të studimeve:
Programi i Stomatologjisë është i modeluar në objektivat e kualifikimit. Programi i Stomatologjisë i referohet kompetencave akademike, aftësisë për të marrë punësim adekuat për plotësimin e nevojave të tregut të punës, aftësisë për të marrë punësim adekuat duke gërshëtuar aspektin teorik me atë praktik dhe zhvillimin e personalitetit të studentëve në fushat e specializimit.
Programi i Stomatologjisë është në përputhje me Kornizën Kombëtare të Kualifikimeve dhe Kornizën për Kualifikimet e Zonës Europiane të Arsimit të Lartë. Një vit akademik korrespondon me 60 pikë të kredive ECTS. Një vit akademik ka 1800 orë mësimi. Programi është në përputhje me Direktivën 2005/36/EC dhe 2013/55/EU të Komitetit Evropian për profesionet mjekësore. Si i tillë programi është i krahasueshëm me programet e vendeve të Unionit Evropian. Programi është i hartuar në përputhje me Procesin e Bolonjës, ciklin e parë dhe të dytë të edukimit të lartë profesional, niveli 7 sipas KKK/KEK (EQF). Komponentët individualë të programit kombinohen ashtu që të arrijnë më së miri objektivat e specifikuara të kualifikimit dhe ofrojnë forma adekuate të mësimdhënies dhe të mësuarit.
Disiplinat brenda kurrikulit janë të organizuara në një rrjedhë logjike dhe plotësojnë përkufizimin dhe përcaktimin e saktë të kompetencave të përgjithshme dhe specifike, si dhe pajtueshmërinë me programet e studimit dhe kurrikulat e dorëzuara në ZEAL.
Rezultatet e të nxënit për programin e Stomatologjisë janë:
Qëndrimet dhe vlerat profesionale
BSc Dental assistant and Dental Hygienist (240 ECTS):
Mission of the program:
The Dental Assistance and Dental Hygienist Program is the 2 + 2 Program, which consists of an associate diploma for dental assistant and a bachelor’s degree for dental hygienist. After students complete the first two years of their four-year bachelor’s degree, they earn their associate diplomas.
The mission of the Dental Assistant Program is to teach students the necessary knowledge and skills to become a competent dental assistant, as an associate degree, capable of performing a variety of tasks in multiple dental settings. The Dental Hygienist bachelor program will provide new graduates to register as dental hygienists and respond to the challenge of meeting oral health needs in the future as a key part of the dental team.
The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.
The program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC and Directive 2013/55 / EU of the European Medical Profession Committee. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The learning outcomes for the program are:
In its composition, the Faculty of Dentistry has the following departments:
The faculty is led by the dean: Prof. Asoc. Teuta Kutllovci
Pro dean: Prof. ass. Vlora Cakolli
Fakulteti i Farmacisë është njësi akademike e Kolegjit i angazhuar për mësimdhënie dhe për kërkime të aplikuara shkencore në disiplinat akademike përkatëse.
Mësimdhënia akademike përqendrohet në programet e studimeve të orientuara në praktikë, duke ndjekur konceptin e Institucioneve të Shkencave Mjekësore të Aplikuara të Evropës.
Fakulteti i Farmacisë e përqendron profilin e vet arsimor dhe kërkimor për nevojat e vendit, në riaftësimin dhe për mësimin gjatë gjithë jetës të profesionistëve, si dhe ofron shërbime praktike për partnerët vendorë.
Fakulteti i Farmacisë ofron këto lloje të studimeve:
BSc Community Pharmacy (180 ECTS)
Expected learning outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theory in relation to the areas mentioned above;
The ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice to meet the needs of patients and other health professionals;
To develop the plan and strategy and to solve various problems;
Evaluate, interpret and synthesize pharmaceutical information and databases;
To present pharmaceutical scientific material and argue in a clear and correct way, in writing and orally, in different audiences;
Calculate drug doses and determine dosing regimens;
Interpret clinical data of patients;
Interpret drug descriptions;
Safely handle chemical and pharmaceutical materials;
Assess the risk related to pharmaceutical procedures and practices;
Have the required skills related to standard pharmaceutical laboratory procedures;
To plan, design and implement self-directed and original research from the phase of defining the problem, evaluating the results;
To work with standard pharmaceutical instruments;
Critically evaluate and interpret the data obtained from laboratory and clinical observations, in terms of their significance;
Preparation of medicines in a magisterial manner, including sterile products;
Skills for conducting drug analysis;
Skills to instruct patients and others regarding the safe and effective use of medications;
Professional attitudes and values
They accept commitments for supporting the standards required by medicine, respecting the sick and maintaining the patient’s secrecy (confidentiality);
Practice personal honesty and fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities in the context of providing care to individuals, to population groups and to the population as a whole;
Maintain habits of reflective practice, self-directed learning and continuing professional education, along with a willingness to accept their limitations and ask for help when they need it.
The program is in line with Directive 2005/36/EC and Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Committee for Medical Professionals. As such, the program is comparable to the programs of the countries of the European Union. The program is designed in accordance with the first cycle of the Bologna Process of higher professional education, according to level 6 NQF / EQF.
The intended learning outcomes clearly reflect the competencies required for employment, continuing education or other individual/societal needs.
The College produces professional pharmacists competitive for national and international job markets.
The Faculty guarantees the availability of the necessary teaching, administrative and technical personnel to fulfill the goals and requirements of the study programs.
MSc Pharmacy (120 ECTS):
The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.
The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The course curricula offered in the BSc Pharmacy study program offers a satisfactory level according to the profile and field of the program. Course titles are similar to the international programs of this discipline.
One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1500 teaching hours, including self-directed teaching hours. An ECTS corresponds to 25 hours of student workload, including self-directed learning. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the second cycle of higher professional education, level 7 according to the NQF / EQF. The program is in line with Directive 2013/55 / EC and Directive 2005/36 / EC, of the European Union (EU), on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries.
The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.
The program is structured in a series of courses with different credits, some compulsory while others optional.
In general, the program consists of:
Pharmaceutical courses are all compulsory courses.
10% of the courses are elective courses.
The study program is full-time, lasting 2 academic years, each with two semesters, a total of 4 semesters. Each semester has a normal duration of 15 weeks. In each semester are treated the courses which are evaluated with credits according to the European system (ECTS). The number of courses in each academic semester is 4 courses, while in the fourth semester there are 2 courses and master thesis. After completing the individual courses, the student passes the final comprehensive exam
At the end of the program a Bachelor of Pharmacy Science diploma is issued.
Learning Outcomes for the MSc Pharmacy program:
The learning outcomes for the MSc program in Pharmacy are:
In its composition, the Faculty of Pharmacy has the department:
1.1. Department of Pharmaceutical subjects;
The faculty is led by the dean: Prof.asoc. Nita Kelmendi
Pro-dean for learning: Prof.ass. Selvete Shuleta
Pro-dean for : Prof.ass. Nderim Kryeziu