
Midwifery Department

Head of the Department: Fatime Zeneli

Mission of the Department:

  1. Advancement of knowledge, creative and scientific ideas of students in the field of Midwifery, in accordance with European standards.
  2. Enrichment of the higher education system in Kosovo with the high quality BSc Midwifery program, according to international standards and in accordance with the needs of the local, local and regional market for these profiles.
  3. Full integration into the European Area of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the field of Midwifery
  4. The achievement of the knowledge, skills and professional competences of the students at the end of the program, sufficient for the independent exercise of the midwifery profession, at the primary, secondary and tertiary level of health protection in Kosovo.
  5. Preparing graduates for career development and continuing postgraduate education in midwifery sciences.


Study programs:

  • BSc Midwifery (180 ECTS)

As the bearer of the BSc Midwifery program, we have defined:

  1. ass. Meritë Vuniqi-Krasniqi
  2. ass. Sahadete Shala
  3. Fatime Zeneli
  4. Mexhit Mustafa
  5. Afërdita Lahu







Personeli Akademik:

Nr. Staff Gender Scientific degree Academic degree Specialization Ngarkesa ne mësim Hulumtim Vepr. Admin.
1 Adelina Lahu F PhDc Ligj. / 12 12 4
2 Afërdita Kurtaj F Dr.Med. Ass.   11 12 4
3 Afërdita Lahu F PhDc Ligj. / 10 12 4
4 Agim Krasniqi M Dr.sc. Prof.asoc. Internal Medicien – Cardiology 5 12 4
5 Agon Rrusta M PhDc Ligj. Ophthalmology 5 12 4
6 Albion Luzha M Dr.Med. Ass.   10 12 4
7 Arbër Neziri M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Urology 7 12 4
8 Blerim Zuna M Dr.Med. Ass. Internal Medicine 8 12 4
9 Daniela Bimi F MSc Ligj.   10 12 4
10 Diellza Namani F MSc Ass.   12 12 4
11 Donjeta Muja F MSc Ass. / 10 12 4
12 Emir Behluli M PhDc Ligj. Pediatrician 10 12 4
13 Emrush Kryeziu M Dr.sc. Prof. Internal Medicine – Hematology 4 12 4
14 Fatime Zeneli F MSc Ligj. / 10 12 4
15 Fitim Skeraj M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Family Medicine 8 12 4
16 Gazmend Zhuri M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Internal Medicine – Pulmology 3 12 4
17 Genc Bajraktari M MSc Ass.   12 12 4
18 Haki Dragusha M MSc Ass. Mjekësi emergjente 6 12 4
19 Hidajete Hasani F MSc Ass.   11 12 4
20 Indira Rexhepi F Dr.Med. Ass. Family Medicine 10 12 4
21 Ismet Bajraktari M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Specialist of Internal disease,Specialist of Internal Medicine-Rheumatologist 4 12 4
22 Isuf Bajrami M MSc Ligj. Emergency Medicine 11 12 4
23 Mejreme Bajqinovci F Dr.Med. Ass. Shëndet publik 8 12 4
24 Meritë Demiri Demolli F Dr.Med. Ass. Gjinekologji 9 12 4
25 Meritë Krasniqi F Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Gjinekologji 4 12 4
26 Milazim Gjocaj M Dr.sc. Prof.asoc. Specialist of Human Ecology in Public Health 5 12 4
27 Naim Fanaj M Dr.sc. Prof.asoc. Psychiatry 6 12 4
28 Sadete Kallaba F MSc Ass.   11 12 4
29 Sadushe Loxha F Dr.Med. Ass. Pathological Anatomy 11 12 4
30 Sahadete Shala F Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Gjinekologji 4 12 4
31 Samire Gashi Braina F Dr.Med. Ass. Psychiastric 12 12 4
32 Sebaedin Memedi M Dr.sc. Prof.asoc. Internal Medicine – Cardiology 5 12 4
33 Shpresa Ademi F PhDc Ligj. / 9 12 4
34 Shpresa Makolli F PhDc Ligj. General surgery Scrub Nurse 9 12 4
35 Shqipe Ukelli-Bajrami F MSc Ass. Specialist of Public Health 20 12 4
36 Skender Zatriqi M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Kirurgji 3 12 4
37 Valdet Hashani M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. General Medicine 5 12 4
38 Ylfete Pllana F PhDc Ass. / 10 12 4


Tabela për stafin akademik në marrëdhënie të punës Part-Time

Nr. Staff Gender Scientific degree Academic degree Specialization
1 Elvana Podvorica F Dr.sc. Prof.Ass.  
2 Erëza Morina Mustafa F Dr.Med. Ass. /
3 Ilirana Bajrami F MSc Ass.  
4 Labinot Shahini M Dr.sc. Prof.Ass. Pathologist
5 Sefedin Muçaj M Dr.sc. Prof.asoc. Epidemiology
6 Taulant Bajrami M MSc Ass. /


Tabela e stafit akademik Full-Time (FTE) sipas seksit dhe gradës shkencore

Academic degree Female % Male % Grand Total %
Ass. 12 60.0 4 22.2 16 42.1
Dr.Med. 6 30.0 2 11.1 8 21.1
MSc 5 25.0 2 11.1 7 18.4
PhDc 1 5.0 0 0.0 1 2.6
Ligj. 6 30.0 3 16.7 9 23.7
Prof. 0 0.0 1 5.6 1 2.6
Prof.asoc. 0 0.0 4 22.2 4 10.5
Prof.Ass. 2 10.0 6 33.3 8 21.1
Total 20 100.0 18 100.0 38 100.0


Indikatorët (FTE n=38) No. %
Numri i stafit akademik me PhD (FTE) 13 34.2
Nummri i stafit akademik me MSc (FTE) 7 18.4
Numri i stafit akademik me specializim (FTE) 25 65.8
Numri i Profesorëve të rregullt(FTE) 1 2.6
Nummri i studentëve 120  
Raporti Student : Stafi akademik (FTE) 3.2  



Temat e Diplomave të studentëve BSc Mami:

Viti 2021

Studenti Titulli i temes Mentori Fusha