
BSc Dental Assistant and Dental Hygienist

BSc Dental assistant and Dental Hygienist (240 ECTS)

Mission of the program:

The Dental Assistance and Dental Hygienist Program is the 2 + 2 Program, which consists of an associate diploma for dental assistant and a bachelor’s degree for dental hygienist. After students complete the first two years of their four-year bachelor’s degree, they earn their associate diplomas.

The mission of the Dental Assistant Program is to teach students the necessary knowledge and skills to become a competent dental assistant, as an associate degree, capable of performing a variety of tasks in multiple dental settings. The Dental Hygienist bachelor program will provide new graduates to register as dental hygienists and respond to the challenge of meeting oral health needs in the future as a key part of the dental team.

The program is modeled on qualification objectives. The program refers to academic competencies, the ability to obtain adequate employment to meet the needs of the labor market, the ability to obtain adequate employment by combining the theoretical with the practical aspect and the development of students’ personalities in specialization fields.

The program is in line with the National Qualifications Framework and the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. An academic year has 1800 teaching hours. The program is in line with Directive 2005/36 / EC and Directive 2013/55 / EU of the European Medical Profession Committee. As such the program is comparable to the programs of European Union countries. The program is designed in accordance with the Bologna Process, the first cycle of higher professional education, level 6 according to NQF / EQF. The individual components of the program are combined to best achieve the specified qualification objectives and provide adequate forms of teaching and learning.

The disciplines within the curriculum are organized in a logical flow and complement the precise definition and determination of general and specific competencies, as well as the compliance with the study programs and curricula submitted to ZEAL.


The learning outcomes for the program are:

  • Collecting diagnostic and treatment data;
  • Managing of infections and risk control;
  • Providing guidance for the patient’s oral health;
  • Assisting in managing medical emergencies;
  • Performing supportive clinical treatments;
  • Performing diagnostic radiographs;
  • Performing dental laboratory procedures;
  • Modeling of professional behaviors and ethics;
  • Performing dental office procedures;
  • Practising safely and effectively, taking long-term care of patients in the first plan;
  • Knowing the role and responsibility of the dental hygienist and to demonstrate continuous professionalism throughout their education, training and practice.
  • Demonstrating effective clinical decision making.
  • Describing the principles of good research, how to achieve research and interpret it for use as part of an evidence-based approach in practice.
  • Implementing an evidence-based approach to learning, practice, clinical judgment, and decision-making, and use your thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Accurately assesseing their abilities and limitations, demonstrating a reflective practice, in the interest of high quality patient care and acting within these limits.
  • Recognizing the importance of lifelong learning and apply it in practice.