
Academic Affairs Office (AAO)

The duties of the Academic Affairs office are:

– Organizes and coordinates work on academic issues;
– Prepares material for the meetings of the College Senate, College Board, Faculty Councils and departments in which academic and scientific issues are addressed;
– Manages the student grouping system (separating students into groups), implements requests for group changes;
– Manages the lesson schedule, requests for change of schedules, as well as designs the schedule for the classrooms’ usage;
– Keeps records on implementation of the learning process according to the programs, years and teaching subjects;
– Manages records for students’ attendance in the learning process, makes calculations and generates final reports related to this issue;
– Collects and processes staff requests for equipment, teaching resources, etc.
– Issues the study curriculum books to the students, the syllabi of special subjects as per students’ requests.
– Drafts reports related to the average duration of studies, the average grade of studies, the average grade by subjects, years and programs;
– Prepares reports for graduates;
– Prepares the list of inactive students according to programs and years (in cooperation with the Financial Office of the College);
– Prepares the forms for the proposal of bachelor’s and master’s degree topics;
– Issues the Diploma Supplement to graduated students.
– Prepares material for the publication of the overview of study plans and programs.
– Performs the duties of the secretariat in the Study Committees at the level of the Faculty Councils and the Senate and serves as an advisory office for the study committees of the academic units

The Office of Academic Affairs consists of the Academic Affairs Officer and Administrative Assistants for Student Services

The Academic Affairs Officer reports to the Rector and Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs.